

Paper Recycling:

it is bank wide initiative to reduce the use of paper and to recycle paper, spreading awareness of the importance of recycling amongst the employees. SAIB sets Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) internally each year for all staff to reduce the amount of paper. Results of our paper usage and recycling efforts can be found in our latest GRI approved Sustainability Report.

Electronic Recycling:

The Bank signed the tripartite initiative with the Charitable Society for the Care of Orphans "Insan" agreement and Tadweer company,  under the title (Our footprint – sponsor an orphan with your old electronic devices). The agreement provides for the recycling of electronic items and electrical waste from the Bank and employees with the part of the recycling revenue provided to Insan Charity. This activity is part of the Bank's sustainability strategy and linked to our sustainability pillars - to contribute to the well-being of individuals, the environment and society.

Plastic Recycling:

It is an internal initiative to recycle plastic materials such as water bottles. Recycling our plastic products reduces the amount of energy and natural resources, such as water and petroleum, needed to created virgin plastic. Recycling plastic also reduces the landfill needed to dispose of plastic which is harmful to the environment and t is non bio-degradable.