Personal Finance Offer for National Day

Personal Finance Offer for National Day

Personal Finance Offer for National Day

Achieve all your goals and have all your needs met!

In celebration of 94th Saudi National Day, apply now for a Personal Finance and enjoy a competitive profit rate along with other special benefits.


Eligible customers who apply for this offer will receive:

  • Personal Finance with APR starting from 1.84%
  • No administrative fees
  • Silver segment customers are eligible for Visa (Signature) credit card upon credit card request.
  • Gold and Platinum segment customers are eligible for Visa (Infinite) credit card upon credit card request.
  • 50,000 WOOW points.

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Terms and Conditions:

  • Offer is valid from 1 until 30 September 2024.
  • Eligible customers who apply for this offer will receive:
    • Personal Finance with APR starting from 1.84%
    • No administrative fees
    • Silver segment customers are eligible for Visa (Signuature) credit card upon credit card request.
    • Gold and Platinum segment customers are eligible for Visa (Infinite) credit card upon credit card request.
    • 50,000 WOOW points.
  • Offer includes new Personal Finance, Buyout Finance, and Additional Finance.
  • Offer is subject to the terms and conditions of the bank's current personal finance product policy.
  • Offer is subject to the terms and conditions of the bank's current credit card product policy.
  • To benefit from the offer, all finance procedures must be completed and executed within a maximum of 30 days from the end of the offer period.
  • SAIB reserves the right to amend / stop the campaign offer at any point of time and such changes will be announced. These changes (amendment /stopping) will apply to new customers only who avail the offer post changes if any. However, all customers who have already availed the offer will not be impacted by the changes.
  • SAIB reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it finds to be misconducting, tampering with the offer process, or to be acting in violation of these terms and conditions.
  • The customer is not entitled to request for an exchange of the offer or its value for another offer or value.
  • Offer is subject to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s regulations and laws.


What is the Personal Finance offer for National Day?

The offer allows the customer to obtain personal financing at a competitive and fixed profit margin throughout the financing period.

What are the start and end dates of the Personal Finance offer for National Day?

The offer is valid from 1 until 30 September 2024.

What are the benefits and advantages for the customer who benefits from the Personal Finance offer for National Day?

  • APR starting from 1.84%
  • No administrative fees for Personal Finance
  • Silver segment customers are eligible for Visa (Signature) credit card upon credit card request.
  • Gold and Platinum segment customers are eligible for Visa (Infinite) credit card upon credit card request.
  • 50,000 WooW points

What are the administrative fees that will be charged when obtaining the Personal Finance within the National Day offer period?

The customer will be exempted from administrative fees during the offer period.

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